Now before we get into this subject and touch on something that is close to my heart (making people stronger)... HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW BOURNE TRAILER!
No amount of manliness, beards, beers or talking about squats comes close to how much my testosterone went up (by 1300% #Science) after watching this. Yay!
So now we’re feeling all pumped up let’s talk squats. How many times per week should you squat? With all questions like this it comes down to 'it depends on you'; where you are with your training, experience and love for that movement.
But to generalize someone who can complete the squat movement without pain and wants to be more badass, then every day.
“if something is important, do it everyday” – Dan John
….Normally I get a moment of silence after this statement. But I will try and explain the why behind this before you close down this web browser and start your own blog on why I suck harder than a Dyson Vacuum.
It’s a fundamental movement for us as humans:
- It allows us to maintain a good amount of Ankle Dorsiflexion (the mobility to move the ankle up towards the sky)
- Keeps the Quadriceps (muscles of the front the leg) strong in order to keep us upright
- Maintains Hip Flexion (fancy way of saying you can squat deeper) which will help you build better legs and generate more power
- Among many other points which is way beyond this post without making it 2000+ words
So from the above points completing the squat every day is important. This does not mean it needs to be trained heavy every single day *sigh of relief*. This is how I would incorporate this:
Day 1- Heavy squat session, 3-5 sets of 3-8 reps
Day 2- Upper body day (deep squat with lat stretch as part of the warm up)
Day 3 – Rest/ recovery day, using a squat movement as part of the active recovery for the day
Day 4 - Moderate squat session, using a different bar position with pauses in various places/increasing rep ranges, 3-5 sets of 6-12 reps
Day 5 - Upper body, using an overhead banded squat or kettlebell overhead squat to help warm up the shoulders
Day 6 - Arm day (whhhhhaaaat!?), light/technique squats. Using no more than 50% of 1RM or adding in some goblet squats will help grease the groove of the movement and help get the body warm before you begin
Day 7- Rest/active recovery. Drop down into that bottom position and hold it for 30 seconds.
This is just a template, you can do as you please depending on your situation but if you are in a position to do so, give this a go. I’ve have people reporting that their squat feels better, numbers are going up and that their joints are feeling better than ever. Win, win, win!