An overview of Training

You want results, you don’t have over 4+ hours to train a week and you just want to feel like you are making progress.

You are not alone. I talk with people who are frustrated that feel like they haven’t made progress in forever…. And I’m here to tell you forever can feel like a long time (go figure)

So, here’s what to do if your looking build a bit more muscle, get the metabolism going and move better than ever:

Points covered:

-       Breakdown of what your session should have

-       What exercises you should use to suit you and your goals

-       Adherence and effort

What your session should have: Warm up (8-15minutes)

-Foam Roll (2-3minutes)

-Breathing (2-3 minutes)

-Static stretching (if required)

-Dynamic stretching+ Core work (5-7mintues)

The aim here is to prepare you for battle… the gym. Just got done re-watching LoTr for the millionth time. Imagine when you go through these steps you are getting your body out of work mode and into gym mode. It helps with a few very key but often under-rated features.

-       Helps to “undo” some of the crap we put out bodies through during our days work/ movie marathon

-       Raises core body temperature. Why are you working out cold? Stop it, get a bit of sweat on

-       Prepares the body for bat… the required movements for that day

What your session should have: Exercises/ Movements (30-40mintues)

-Squat/single leg





-Locomotion/ weighted carries

You can break these down throughout the week but should be done at least once a week each. As far as I’m aware this was how our bodies where designed to move and will help produce greater results in the long term, with better quality and higher loading.

Side not: You don’t have to do all of these movements heavy, if you don’t like/ agree with squatting under “heavy” loads (thinking barbell back squats for some) then they can be used during the warm-up and finishers.

What your session should have: Your time (5-10mintues)

The goal here is to work towards your goals/ do what you want. Want bigger arms, now is the time for the extra arm work. You want to be leaner, finishers/ sprints :D

Adherence and effort:

 Once you have a plan, stick to it. This will help reap the rewards through the body making the adaptions towards the specific movements chosen. Your body doesn’t get confused each time your throw something different at it, it just starts adapting to different stimulus. This is great if you want to be just okay at lots of different things, but I want you to be great at a Couple of things (Insert link to previous Blog).

Next is effort, the best plan is meaningless if the person does not put effort or concern for technique with it. Whereas putting your head down and trying really going hard can yield results from what could be considered a “crap” training program.

Now, go be awesome!