So what are they and which ones will on I focus on with yourself and your own fitness goals. We will look at:
Awareness-How well do you know how your body moves through space, reacts to certain foods and sleep? Well, you should.
Passion- Why you do, what you do.
Patience- In a rush, probably best to slow the heck down.
With the above meaning, for me, it looks at how well do you understand your own body and the way it moves through space. How it feels completing movements like squats, lunges, pull-ups, push ups and what it reacts like to every movement with various training loads, frequency etc. This is why when designing a program is not just as simple of choosing a list of exercises and hoping that they work, but requires you to look at what the specific needs of the day are and does it serve that purpose.
Look at your design and methodology, what is the originality and value? Most of the time originality is a piss poor idea. Be aware of methods that hard worked for decades before “innovators” came out with things like the shake weight and all other things akin to “Toning”. Leave Toner for the printer please.
“Truth is not something outside to be discovered, it is something inside to be realized.”
― Osho,
I can’t give you an answer for how aware you are of your own training, nutrition and other lifestyle factors, these are not something that can be measured by me or anyone else. Only you.
Rudy Tomjanovich- “Never underestimate the heart of a champion”
Passion can’t be given and sure isn’t lying around for you to find, you will have to enjoy what you do. Care about what you, Love what you do to be passionate about it. Once you have passion, motivation won’t be a problem, you’ll care too much to even consider anything else.
For me “buying in” to whatever I take part in, to create a new lifestyle change has been paramount. You have to know the why you are doing something and really understand the benefits of why you should do it. After this point, going forth and taking action with everything you have got to get there much like a champion would. Now I’m not saying you should put everything else on hold in your life just to nail a double bodyweight deadlift or any other fitness goal you may have. But when you step into the gym, your garage or the local park. Know why you are there and be passionate about it. Don’t check your phone, don’t talk forever, just start really caring about what you doing and put some passion into your workouts.
Aristot le was on to saying this was a virtue. How many people do you know can wait for something without complaint?
Well I sure did not posses this quality for a very long period of time, especially with regards to fitness. Like pretty much everyone have been sold on 6 weeks until ripped abs, 1 simple trick for a toned toosh, learn to tame a unicorn in just minutes a day. As you can tell I’m trying to be light hearted about this ;-O